Co Q10 – Is This the One Supplement You Should Take Over Any Other?
Aug 13th 2022
When I stumbled across and article about Co Q10, I was
intrigued that the author recommended it by stating that if you only take one
supplement in the vast selection of supplements today, take this one. That was a pretty serious statement, so I did
keep reading. Honestly I had never given this supplement much thought – and I’m
pretty open to taking lots of different things to enhance health and well-being..
Co Q10 – Not Just for Statin Users?
My impression of Co Q10, the shortened name for Coenzyme Q10, was that it was mostly created for people who were on statin drugs. Statin drugs are designed to help lower harmful cholesterol in the body. A lot of statin patients are advised to take a Co Q10 supplement along with their medication because statin drugs (and some other pharmaceuticals) actually hasten the depletion of Co Q10.
In addition to helping restore the enzyme production, it is supposed to help lessen the side effects of statin drugs like muscle weakness, memory fog and sexual side effects. Related: Impact of Managing Stress on Aging
Not only that, some people take it even if they are not on statin drugs, as a way to naturally lower their cholesterol. The jury still seems to be out on whether Co Q10 can lower cholesterol on its own, but there are plenty of anecdotal stories out there which claim it can do just that.
Co Q10 Depletes with Age
As with so many other things that happen with the natural evolution of our bodies as we age, our natural levels of this important (naturally generated) enzyme go down. Our bodies make plenty of it until it starts to really drop off in our fifties and beyond. Taking the supplement as a daily routine helps keep the levels higher and makes up for the difference.
That was just a key point though. Your body actually does not store this enzyme. While you can get it through various foods also like beef, chicken and pork, it doesn’t stay stored away like other vitamins.
So, you can’t draw on stores of the enzyme if you decide to stop taking it for a while like you can with other types of vitamins. It needs to be taken on a constant, consistent basis in order to maintain higher Coenzyme levels.
Benefits of Co Q10 Do Seem Myriad
There are so many different reports of the benefits of this supplement. Among them, some people swear it makes their skin look younger. This would not surprise me since it is highly anti inflammatory in nature and would conceivably help address multiple skin issues like acne, rosacea and the like.
Co Q10 also energizes the cells, so it is conceivable that it would produce a much healthier glow since it seems to recharge the cells to their youthful vigor and I don’t see why this wouldn’t translate to the skin cells since your skin is the largest organ you have. Related: Top 5 Visual Factors of Facial Aging
Co Q10 is used most by the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. So there likely are some good purposes these important organs can use it for. It also is thought to be helpful for cancer patients who may need extra help in the cellular health department after being depleted by cancer therapy treatments and the cancer itself.
So the potential uses for this enzyme are really tremendous in scope. As we all know, inflammation is linked to many health issues and has a cascade effects on the health and well being of all the vital organs. There is also evidence that it can help slow down the aging of the brain, and help preserve brain health.
If even half of this is remotely true then it might be something you want to pursue, especially if you are coming up to a more advanced age. This tends to be the real time people would need to start taking it. Why take something before you need it if your body is already producing plenty?
Here’s why this supplement can be a little hard to swallow for those considering adding it to their health regimen. I mean that figuratively, not literally (although Co Q10 supplements do tend to be a little on the larger side). They cost quite a bit. From everything out there on this supplement, you want to select one that is a “Ubiquinol” type as that is supposed to be the most effective.
If you are looking for a quality, reputable Coenzyme Q10 supplement that is made with Ubiquinol, you are going to pay upwards of $40 or more. For that price, I think I’d need a guarantee that this would produce some sort of very noticeable life/health improvement to justify this type of price. Related: DIM: Should Men & Women Take It?
We have been trying it out, and for me it did not produce any noticeable benefits. I also happened to notice that I had a reaction to it. My skin broke out in a particular area of my back. This is not unusual for me. I “wear” most of my allergic reactions on my skin.
It’s not something I personally feel is indisposable, at least not at my age yet. Maybe once I hit my fifties or mid fifties I will again take a look at it. If anyone has some stories or experience to share on this supplement, please feel free to leave these in comments!