Comparing Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid
Mar 23rd 2018
People who have acne usually first purchase over-the-counter medications to try to eliminate the pimples. Thankfully, there are quite a plethora of OTC products out there that work quite well for people before they have to seek professional treatment.
There are even devices and therapies we can now administer in our own homes like blue light therapy and heat devices that can help clear up acne. We've come a long way in acne treatment since my days of struggling with hormonal acne, that's for sure!
Typically, one of two ingredients are found in the over-the-counter medication; salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. My personal preference is salicylic acid since benzoyl peroxide simply does not agree with my skin. However, that does not apply to everyone.
It is important to have some knowledge about each of these ingredients before purchasing a product to help cure or prevent acne. Bacteria is a major cause of acne and benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria because it is an antimicrobial agent. However, it commonly causes dryness and redness and a few other undesirable side effects we'll talk about below. Related: Is Benzoyl Peroxide Banned in Europe?
Benzoyl Peroxide - The Negative Side Effects
You may also find it causes the skin to peel. This is the problem I have with the product, it just irritates ait and really does nothing for my acne problem. When the dryness and peeling occur, use less of the product you purchased. Add a moisturizer to your skin before applying the acne medication if your skin is dry.
In addition, benzoyl peroxide products increase skins sensitivity to sunlight. Wearing a good sunscreen is always important for your skin’s health. However, if you are using an acne medication containing benzoyl peroxide, then it is even more important to wear sunscreen.
For people whose skin continues to peel or become dry, try switching to acne products with different ingredients. Some people are actually allergic to benzoyl peroxide.
Salicylic Acid - The Second Most Common Acne Fighting Ingredient in OTC Products
Another common ingredient found in over-the-counter acne medications is salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is used to treat non-inflamed acne. Comedonal acne is another name for non-inflamed acne. Ointments, cleansers, toners and other products used for acne treatment contain this ingredient.
Many people with acne find salicylic acid products works to eliminate their pimples. This acid helps dead skin cells to exfoliate. This assists in keeping the pores clear of flakes of dead skin.
Everyone’s skin is regenerating each day. This process is called desquamation. The most inner layer of skin or epidermis has new cell development. Eventually the new skin cells reach the top layer of skin to replace the surface cells. The surface cells are now dead flakes of skin. It take about 28 days for this process to occur. Salicylic acid was designed to make the outer skin cells be removed quicker than the usual 28 days.
How Salicylic Acid Works to Target Acne Versus Benzoyl Peroxide
Salicylic acid, also known as beta hydroxy acid is available in various strengths over-the-counter. Typically, it is applied once a day. Too much or extra applications can irritate or dry the skin. Salicylic acid should be used on a larger surface than benzoyl peroxide products.
This product is designed to unclog pores excessive oil and dead skin cells; which cause acne formation. So this acid targets acne a little differently than benzoyl - the theory is that since it sloughs off debris, bacteria and dead skin cells so efficiently, these things can't get into the pores and block them. This means less acne formation.
Make sure to purchase a moisturizer to apply to the skin that is being treated with salicylic acid. Choose an oil-free moisturizer to avoid causing additional oiliness to the skin surface. You may have skin flaking, itchiness and stinging from the use of salicylic acid. Related: MSM for Super Soft, Moisturized and Vibrant Skin
If you have severe reactions to over-the-counter salicylic acne products, you may be allergic. Consult a physician. Nursing and pregnant women are advised not to use salicylic acid products.
Many people with acne are confused concerning whether to choose salicylic products or benzoyl peroxide products. Both products are available in over-the-counter medications. Generally products containing these ingredients can be found in many stores. Salicyclic acid will help skin cells renew faster. It works nicely for teenagers who have blackheads.
Benzoyl Peroxide - Not as Well Tolerated, but it Does Target Bacteria Directly
This over-the-counter ingredient will kill bacteria that causes acne for many people. The tradeoff is that it is more "harsh" in its methods, which means it can be less well tolerated by sensitive skin. However it should be noted that both ingredients can cause allergic reactions for some people. Peeling skin may also occur while using both of these ingredients. Using a good moisturizer and a sunscreen is a great skin care plan while using these over-the-counter medications.
Most people get acne at some time in their lives. Teenagers are particular prone to acne because of rapid growth and increased hormones. Typically, people will get just a few pimples or white heads. Some people get blackheads or comedones.
A few people will get cyst-type or acne vulgaris with inflammation patches of red patchy skin. Usually, the face is the area of the body that most people get acne symptoms. However, many people get acne on other areas of the body. The first plan of action for most people is choosing an over-the-counter medication to apply to the skin. People can choose products that contain either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.