Exfoliate 3-4 Times a Week for a Noticeable Difference in Your Skin!
Dec 11th 2022
In times like this where a lot of Americans (and many around
the world too) are facing record increases in the overall cost of living, it’s
always great to get back to basic skin care methods that get the job done. Read
– cheap methods! And thankfully, inexpensive - aka cheap - doesn’t have to mean ineffective in this arena.
Admittedly you get what you pay for in a lot of other ways when it comes to beauty maintenance, but in skin care there really are some effective ways to increase the skin’s health and vitality without breaking the bank. This is one such method, and I’ve relied on it for about two decades. Related: Why Consistent Hydration Makes Skin Look Great
Mechanical (aka Manual) Skin Exfoliation
All it takes is a little dedication, a little elbow grease, and a lot of consistency. Mechanical, or manual skin exfoliation is a really simple concept. Related: Hyaluronic Acid - What Benefits Can I Expect in a Serum?
Most exfoliation pads or sponges are simply an egg-shaped or round exfoliation pad. Of course in this day of knock-offs, there are plenty of off brand versions of the exfoliation pad now. You just have to find one that is the right consistency for your skin type. For example, if you have very sensitive skin you may want to opt for a less “rough” surface so as not to irritate or take too many layers off. The same rules apply for men and women by the way, no exemptions, although men do generally tend to have skin that's a little thicker than women.
If you have pretty tough, thick skin then you can opt for the rougher surfaced pads that will get more dead skin cells off quickly and efficiently. The more coarse the pad, the more dramatic the results though, so if you can build your skin up to accept the coarser surface, then it may be ideal to do so.
Why Take Dead Skin Cells Off on a Regular Basis?
There is a good reason for taking the outermost layer off the skin on a regular basis. Your skin cell turnover decreases with age naturally. When you are young, your skin cells are constantly regenerating themselves, and you really don’t need to help them along.
As we age, this renewal process slows down. Way down. Mechanical exfoliation helps to mimic the results of youth essentially by scrubbing the skin cells off so new ones can come to the surface. The newer, fresher skin looks exactly like it sounds. Smoother, brighter, and unencumbered by dead skin cells which can mask the naturally vibrant look that healthy skin has.
It can also help to mechanically smooth out fine lines. Focusing around the area where crows feet form, for example, can really help to smooth these lines out and prolong any deepening that may occur over time. Mechanical exfoliation can also help plump these areas out by helping to stimulate collagen formation, and even introduce a tiny bit of swelling that occurs when skin is exfoliated vigorously.
Consistency is Key
As with anything else in life like exercise, a disciplined diet and stress reduction regime, consistency is key when it comes to exfoliation.
Figure out a schedule that works for you to exfoliate your skin, and try to stick to it. Of course there will be times you’re traveling or otherwise out of pocket to get the job done, but if you’re 75% consistent with exfoliation, you will definitely reap the benefits.
A schedule of roughly 3-4 times a week is ideal. Any more than that and you’re probably not giving your skin a chance to rest and regenerate. Any less than that, and the results you see may be minimal.
Start off Slow
If you’re just embarking on this regimen, take it slow. Meaning buy pads that are less coarse, or if you buy a coarse pad out of the gate, then don’t use too much pressure at first. See how much your skin can take without creating too much irritation. Related: MSM for Softer, Brighter Skin
Then build on that. You can begin applying more pressure or going a bit longer as your skin builds a tolerance. Never over do it to the point you actually feel pain or stinging though.
You can even add some light exfoliation gels or creams to the mix after that. I like using a mild, naturally based pineapple and papaya enzyme gel after my exfoliations. It gives a bit of a sting, but really adds to the overall rejuvenation by helping to get those stubborn skin cells to slough off.
Over time you will definitely notice results. This is a great, inexpensive way to keep your skin rejuvenated, fresh and healthy looking. All the time!