Warmest Wishes This Holiday Season

Dec 23rd 2024

Christmas Tree Lit in Front of Window with Santa to LeftReflecting back on 2024, we wanted to wish all of our customers, readers and everyone else a wonderful time this holiday season. As we get caught up in the rush of things and yes, sometimes the inevitable stressors that tend to come with the holidays, it's important to remember to slow down and savor the moments.

One of the best ways to do that is to take care of yourself. Make sure you're fitting in exercise sessions or whatever it is that makes you feel relaxed and puts you in a good mental space. For many of us, that does mean getting exercise and also getting plenty of quality sleep.  

Try not to put too much pressure on yourself by:

Getting any shopping done early, and forgetting about the guilt of not getting enough. Even the thought of giving someone a gift is generosity enough and most people appreciate just being thought of

Not over extending yourself. If you don't have the money to pay it all off the next month, cut down the list

If you find you have too much on your holiday to-do list, start cutting things out. This could mean cutting out Christmas cards or reducing your list of sends, cutting down on the cooking or baking you typically do around the holidays (unless you find this relaxing - it's a fine line sometimes), getting the holiday decorating done early and slow, maybe put a few things up every weekend instead of pressuring yourself into getting everything up all at once. The list goes on and on, you can find ways to reduce your stress load though.

All in all, please remember the underlying meaning of Christmas and the holiday season. It's all about charity, love, forgiveness and appreciation for those we love.  

Have a wonderful and safe holiday week, you deserve it! See you in the new year!